Adventures: Cave Ridge

[photo by Daryl Greaser]
Last September (holy smokes how was that nearly a year ago?) we finally made a trip up to Cave Ridge with the Cascade Grotto.  The day before was a Grotto meeting and one of the attendees was a Tennessee caver in town for work.  She asked if there was any trips happening while she was in town and we immediately told her about the trip planned for the next day.  We gathered her gear to borrow (both for White Nose Syndrome prevention and because she didn’t have camping gear with her) and happily welcomed her to the Grotto.

[photo by Daryl Greaser]
15 or so of us met in the parking lot and headed straight up the mountain.  It was a gorgeous and hot day.  One of the guys in the group ended up hiking up in his skivvies because the only pants he brought were fleece lined!

I mostly hiked up with the other lady cavers on the trip.  It was the first time I’d been on any sort of trip with any of them.  I’ve never been on a hike where I spend the whole time talking with other ladies.  It’s always me and the guys, which is great, but it was really lovely to spend time in nature with other women.  I need more of that in my life.

We met up with Maurice at camp.  The night before he briefly joined us at Azteca after the Grotto meeting, but then hit the road to head up to Cave Ridge.  Based on how hot it was when we hiked in, he probably had the right idea!  Definitely a hike that is probably easier when it’s dark and you can’t see how little progress you’ve made.

Lady cavers

Daryl, Mike and I mostly went on the trip for the hike, as we weren’t camping up there and had to head out before it got too dark.  The clouds started to settle on the ridge, so we started our trek down.

At one point on the hike down I ran my shin into a rock I couldn’t see.  It hurt, but not nearly as badly as I would expect based on the bruise it left!  I think it was a week or two before the discoloration was completely gone.  (I’m fairly certain if my shin bones are ever examined after I die they will be covered in dents.  Between ladders and caving, I’m constantly bruising them!)

Heading up

I can’t wait until Cave Ridge becomes accessible this year.  Hopefully I’ll actually get in one of the caves!

Today’s adventure took place on land stolen from the Coast Salish, Duwamish, Tualip, and np̓əšqʷáw̓səxʷ (Wenatchi).