Adventures: Rippin Chix Ski Clinic

At the end of January my friend Theresa posted on instagram about an all-ladies ski clinic she was coaching at the beginning of March.  I’ve been wanting more lessons, especially with a lady instructor, and so immediately looked into it.  I couldn’t believe it when I realized it was the weekend after Steel Magnolias closed!  I signed up immediately – well almost, immediately.  It was a little pricey, but Daryl encouraged me to treat myself as a  congratulatory gift for getting a staff position at the theatre.

The clinic, Step It Up and Steeps Clinic with Rippin’ Chix, was at Crystal Mountain Resort.  I’d been there once, on a backcountry ski trip last spring, so I was really excited to ski two days in a row and stay on mountain at the Alpine Inn.


As luck would have it, Theresa was my instructor at the clinic!  I was nervous I was in over my head, but being in a small group (I think there were six of us) with someone I know definitely helped calm my anxiety.  And frankly, having people I didn’t know in my group helped me ski lines I wouldn’t’ve in the past.

The first day was a beautiful bluebird day.  I, unsurprisingly, got a sunburn (and then spent way too much for the tiniest bottle of sunscreen at the on mountain lodge).

I decided to sit out the last run or two the group took – my legs were feeling really fatigued and decided it was smartest to listen to my body than try to ski more and get frustrated and/or hurt.

It snowed overnight, so we got some fresh pow for day two.  I was excited to see what we were going to tackle!  Theresa skis at Crystal often, so she knows all the good power stashes.  We took some fun traverses to the top of some steep couloirs.

Definitely the steepest lines I’ve ever skied!

I’m really proud of the way I skied at this clinic.  I pushed myself and I actually fell!  Daryl has thought for a long time that I’d be a better skier if I fell more often, but I definitely ski like I’m afraid of falling.  I blame it on my good balance from dance and my fear of breaking myself because of dance.

I fell five or six times, including losing my skis several times.    Because I don’t have breaks on my skis (these beauties have super light G3 Ion LT 12 bindings with leashes), when I popped out of my binding, the ski came down the mountain with me, attached to my boot.  I clearly slide down the mountain on them a couple of times.  Ouch!

Days after this clinic, everything started shutting down due to COVID-19.  Less than a week later, I started working from home.  And, I think this was the last clinic Rippin Chix had for the season.  I’m so glad I got to take this one!  I’m already looking forward to skiing with those badass ladies next year (I hope!).

Today’s adventure took place on land stolen from the Duwamish and Puget Sound Salish.